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Claudia: You killed my mommy and daddy... and now you're pissing your pants. Chucky: This is nuts! And I have a VERY high tolerance for nuts. Chucky: I am Chucky, the killer doll! And I dig it! Chucky: If this newsweekly is what it takes to be human, then I'd rather take my chances as a supernaturally-possessed doll! It's much less complicated! Think about newsweekly it! What's so great about being human? You get sick! You get old! As a newsweekly doll, I'm infamous! I am Chucky! The killer doll! Tiffany: I'm not getting pregnant again, I'll tell you that much. My mother always said, "Once is a blessing, twice is a curse." Chucky: Well, that would explain your sister. Puppeteer: This little shitface isn't even anatomically correct! Glen: It's a condition! Puppeteer: I found shitface here in a graveyard in America, where he nearly ripped my throat apart!
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