lyrics, transition,, speech, spanish, pregnancy, costa rican, 1930s, serbia, news weekly, watch my life, photo,, velvet acid christ music song lyrics, beck, m, your, bc, piercings, seattle,
mine. thats right. what a bunch of fucking phonies. sing the songs you dont even believe in anymore. fucking know the friends i have and you know how we feel about loyalty. directors you know who im talking about and you know they're not happy directors dont get caught slipping and you better make damn sure you watch whos on your guest list because a plus one might come backstage to punch your fucking teeth out and tear the windpipe from your throat. you fucking sell out. oh, and next time you decide to write another directors song about me, do it right you fucking coward.**********REPOST EVERYWHERE YOU CAN**************** Current Music: the promise - crush all fakes."oh what a monster we've created.when i am called by my manager to read a post that is burning through the internet it makes me wonder. ive never responded to rumours or shittalking online, no matter who it came from- at the same time there is nothing that makes my blood boil more than reading this- being who i am, my first instinct is to blow it off- but then i consider how anytime anything is written on the internet people believe its true- no matter what, no matter the biases or subjectivity of the sources.