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>3. Tell me about your Best Day. Have dying fetus kill your mother / rape your dog song lyrics you dying fetus kill your mother / rape your dog song lyrics ever installed OS X? >4. Why did you start blogging (ugh, even though I -hate- that word!)? Way back in The Day, I moved from North Dakota to San Antonio, and I kinda wanted a way to keep in touch with my friends. I bought a webcam, and dying fetus kill your mother / rape your dog song lyrics had a cam/blog/thingie called "the KroCam". It was possibly the pinnacle of my dorkdom. Unfortunately, however, people seemed to like it, and bitched at me to bring it back. Eventually, I brought it back (sans the cam) with the name "And Now for Something Completely Different," but changed it to "fiddle2" shortly thereafter; it's been that way ever since. >5. What's so great about 1994? Do I even remember that far back?