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Only about 5 percent of PUBLISHED novelists make enough from that alone to support themselves - not get rich, just support themselves. The numbers in the music industry how i met your mother tv show are comparable. Those people who now say that "information wants to be free" are not spouting New how i met your mother tv show Age mysticism. They are citing solid western legal and cultural traditions going all the way back to the Renaissance. A society requires a free flow of information to survive and advance. Cut it off and you get the Dark Ages - or how i met your mother tv show the Soviet Union - a stagnant society spiraling into ignorance and poverty. The members of the RIAA (to use a prominent example) are attempting to create the impression that they own all music - and at the same time attempting to create technology that makes that a de facto truth, and to pass laws enforcing it. The truth is, however, that the members of the RIAA (like other such entities) only own the copyright to a small minority of all musical works in existence or coming into existence.