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I don't know the procedures or anything for emancipation, but you should call a local law office and ask them where to get started. They'll probably tell you to find a lawyer. I know you have to show reason action / adventure for emancipation such as being mature enough to care for yourself and having an unfit homelife. You should probably be holding action / adventure down a job if you decide to go for it, because that's proof that you can support yourself. Living with your gf would action / adventure rock I'm sure :). It wouldn't be easy, but if you would rather live elsewhere than with your parents go for it. If you want to make it real simple, just ask your mom next time she yells at you if you can just move out. Your gf can get in legal trouble if you run away and live with her, but if your mom gives you permission, have her sign something saying that she gives you permission, and then you're not a runaway.