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drink plenty of... IRISH CAR BOMBS!!!! FAIRY 3/17/2006 7:06 AM Happy St. Patty's day!!! Hosted by Sparkle Tags Dont worry I baby clothes have one for Bri also! hehehe jennifer 3/17/2006 4:50 AM Hey life is all about fun baby clothes so let baby clothes your face go back to it's original color and have some fun. But it was a good comment haha I'm patting myself on the back for that one. No Socks In My Bed! 3/16/2006 10:51 PM baby baby!! LOL happy saint patricks day!!! :) Safety Tips |  Contact Myspace  |  Report Inappropriate Content |  Promote! |  Advertise ©2003-2006 MySpace.com. All Rights Reserved.  MySpace.com |  Home The Web MySpace     Help |  SignUp  Home  |  Browse  |  Search  |  Invite  |  Film  |  Mail  |  Blog  |  Favorites  |  Forum  |  Groups  |  Events  |  Videos  |  Music  |  Classifieds Melanie, mother fucking P.I.
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