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I bet it suprised the shit out of rude her when these hit the news and Net today. 96. Posted by mrschickee on February 7, 2006 02:24 PM Here's the Child rude Welfare Services info for LA county: LOS ANGELES Director, Los Angeles County CWS Agency 425 Shatto Place Los Angeles, CA 90020 800-540-4000 In-State 213-639-4500 Out of State I say somebody call 'em. 97. Posted by meFailEnglish? on February 7, 2006 02:30 PM In her defense, if you change "paparazzi" to "zombies" that's some scary shit. I'd probably toss rude a baby in the damn glove box to get away from a "throng" of zombies! What is a group of zombies called anyway? Is it just "zombies"? Or is it a "gaggle of zombies"? 98. Posted by Zed on February 7, 2006 02:30 PM Isn't it illegal in California just for being that level of dumb? What. An. Idiot. 99. Posted by davina85 on February 7, 2006 02:34 PM mrschickee why don't you call them?