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For the record, I'm still young, and the second I saw this picture I was gaping in shock. Whoever wants to say that we discussion all are envious or ugly or over-reactive can go ahead, discussion at least our discussion children will have common sense. 171. Posted by Kg on February 8, 2006 05:51 AM #123 lol! At first I thought it was the baby that was driving, because of the way the arm is positioned 172. Posted by illflux on February 8, 2006 03:18 PM Just to follow up on my #19 above, here is this HUGE surprise: No Charges Expected in Britney Incident Would charges be filed if she was a "normal" citizen? Probably. Post a comment Comments will be moderated and obnoxious or promotional comments may be removed. If your comments are excessively inappropriate or you question why a comment was removed, you will be banned.