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I mean, it was never this bad before. When I moved here, pretty much everyone on this floor was live a junior. live We were all Comp. Sci. or Electrical Engineering majors, and we were all relatively mature people. Now, the floor is full of sophomores who, mentally, never left high school. Comparatively, I feel like I'm a 40-year-old. It's time to get out. Comments: "'re getting OLD!!! ;) If your sister had access live to a computer this weekend, you KNOW she'd have said that!!! ;)" -Your Mom [2002-01-19 19:45:13] (1 comments) Date: 2002-01-16 02:03:29 (Author: trav) Link: You know, I was thinking about the Blog Gods (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven...) today, and how I don't read them. I mean, I link Megnut over there, I read it from time to time, and frankly, it's a decent blog.