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A Bear Necessity All Together Now—DTMFA! Livin' Large Other Articles byDan Savage The Straight Lifestyle Better Dead Than Red Supreme Satisfaction Pigs and Whores SAVAGE LOVE You Motherfucker BY DAN SAVAGE I'm a man in my early 30s and I have never been in a serious relationship. I started seeing a therapist free shirts to "get to the bottom" of my relationship problems and her opinion is free shirts that they may stem from an incident that happened years free shirts ago. I was raised by a single mom. When I was about 15 years old she went through a very bad breakup, and while I was comforting her we wound up having intercourse. I was a virgin. This only happened once, and we've never spoken of it. My therapist feels that the first step in overcoming my relationship problems is to confront my mother, but I'd really rather not do this since my mother and I have a good relationship now and I don't want to destroy it.