ty, orange county newspapers, stranger, singers, hobby photography, bc rss, blogger, pearl jam, kink, bill hanrahan, jelsoft, mp3, motown, television, david steinberg, celebrity gossip, standby me, films that time forgot, funny shirts, confidential, hannibal, french/appendices/exercises, blogging,
BETTER STAY THEREIN UNTIL YOU DIE OKAY. YOU MUST BE A SLAVE THERE OKAY IAM BETTER THAN YOU IAM IN music MY FATHER LAND OKAY. RICH SLAVE. and then ya mama toto yamama toto----------toto----------toto ohhhhhhhhh fuck your mother animal your mother toto your mother toto------------------------toto---------------------your -------------mama totootototototototototototooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt music tttttttttooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttooooo and then KAY NOW I REMEMBERED WHOM YOU ARE.THE SON OF HARLOT. IBEKWE IS BETTER THAN USELESS PIG LIKE YOU music .STOP MENTIONING HIS NAME YOU STRANDED SLAVE .WHAT IS YOUR FATHERS NAME MONKEY. IF YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE A MAN CALL ME ON MY PHONE I WOULD HAVE CALL SMELLING PIG LIKE YOU AND REMIND YOU WHERE YOU COME FROM .