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It’s like I’m wearing these skins that I’m trying to discover myself in, and each one I there goes the neighborhood try on feels right at there goes the neighborhood first, but then I realize that it just doesn’t fit right. Not quite the right size… A little too worn around the edges… A little too harsh. And there goes the neighborhood it frustrates the hell out of me. My only hope is that I just keep looking until I find something that is the right size. In other news, I’ve been craving a digital camera again. With all these posts full of random digi-cam pics, and the boy with his wonderful camera, I feel so out of the loop. So, I decided to bring my camera phone into action: more » @ 10:19 pm on March 15th, 2006 Vanity | 16 CMNTS Backed-Up I hate the fact that I read people’s words and feel intimidated belittled intimidated by them.