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She needs no help from those that would attempt to make a grotesque, artificial high drama out of her stand. The "Mother Sheehan" thing is simply repulsive to me and I'm more than certain it would be to Cindy. She a stand up, ragingbull (special edition) straight on human being. ragingbull (special edition) by Annalize5 on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 11:20:48 AM PDT [ Parent ] And "Mother Sheehan" is (4.00 / 5) dreadful--makes her sound like an ancient crone in a nursery rhyme. ...the White House will be adorned by a downright moron...H.L. Mencken by bibble on Sat Aug 13, 2005 ragingbull (special edition) at 07:59:51 AM PDT My identity is more than "mother" (4.00 / 4) and so is Cindy's. Though she has come to this place because of her son, she is more than a mother - she is a caring citizen, a woman, a patriot, a dissenter. "Mother" anything is limiting and furthermore it is condescending. You may note as well, she was offended when the person who now lives in the WH called her "Mom."