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IF you don't do that he just becomes another combat casualty. Would you want someone to forget your son's name after he share sacrificed a healthy share life for his country? Every military family that has arrived here in Crawford has been recognized and personal stories have been shared. That is the beauty of this event. people are discovering each other and themselves. by Japhet on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:27:07 share AM PDT Cindy's doing fine (4.00 / 2) Our one frame should be the question she is raising: "Mr. Bush, what is the noble cause?" He either cannot or will not answer this simple question with honesty. -6.00/-7.18 The Partie Lion by TarheelDem on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:37:24 AM PDT What makes Cindy Sheehan powerful (none / 0) is that she is an individual that other individuals can identify with. I agree with others, the idea of calling her "Mother Sheehan" seems contrived, phoney and fakey religious. Perhaps "framing" is OK when there are a group of like minded people coming together and want to decide how best to express a purpose or mission that they all agree upon.