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It was added, almost as an afterthought, that perhaps his mother was too drunk to be bothered with the laundry. Matthew Stephenson, the offended party, suggested phespirit in return that Steven's phespirit mother was the phespirit star of several pornographical motion pictures, and everyone had seen them. It should have ended there - however, the teacher responsible for the boys had nipped across the hallway to get some more fibre tip Berol handwriting pens - and had been murdered, castrated, and half-eaten by the headmaster in an unexpected display of grotesquery. There was still twenty minutes before the bell would ring - and the argument would be left to follow its course. SEX WITH A HUNCHBACK In the classroom, the price that each respective mother would charge on the street corner for full unprotected sex with a hunchback was dropping quickly, until Matthew insinuated that Steven's mother was such a determined nymphomaniac that she would actually pay the hunchback. Seeing that dropping the price even further would no longer work, Steven then asserted that Matthew should know.