pride, directors, poetry, actresses, associate programs, 1990, cds, random, nxne, bc blogs, technology,
Why are you so gay? Sen deegeneeraatsin You're a degenerate Bliad' Whore Bokshil Shithead Pidaras Asshole, dickhead Ket nahuj Fuck off, fuck you Kotakka ket Fuck off, a portrait of the artist as a young man fuck you Kozine kotak kirsin A dick in your eye Sigilgen urgashi! Fucking Bitch Ket kirtpai Get the fuck away from me a portrait of the artist as a young man Sikshi minani! a portrait of the artist as a young man Fuck him! Senderdin sheshelerindi siktim I fucked all of your mothers Loh Loser Kizsteke Faggot Tasagimdi sorshi Suck my dick Senin aken kogildir Your dad is gay Sen kogildirsin You are gay Sende kotak zhok You have no dick Bitirmegen, sorli Fucked up (lit. undone) Men seni sikkim keledi I want to fuck you Men senin chechendi sikkim keledi I want to fuck your mom Bokbass Shithead Bokti zhe, urgashi Eat shit, bitch Sende zhumurtka zhok You have no balls Kugan, suka Crazy bitch Ketshi kotke Go up an ass Tasak kap Condom Prezirvativ Condom Bar, sheshendi sik Go fuck your mom Suka / sooka Bitch Ket nahui Fuck off Kotindi zhirtimm kozigdi shigaram I'll rip your ass and poke out your eyes Sorshi Suck my dick Tollik pidaras Fat faggot Zhopoyeb Ass fucker Atannin kotagin sorudi koisaishi Stop sucking grandpa's dick Am Pussy