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pew-tAÑ puerto rican Super adj., 'very', 'really' ; "Je suis puerto rican super content" = "I'm really happy" soup-air Taff n. work, job, task taff Truc n. Stuff trew-uhk Tronche n. Colloquial word meaning 'face'. TRon-shuh Vachement adj., France, slang. Literally "cowly", vachement is a synonym for "very", and can be translated in some cases for the English adjective 'quite'. For instance - 'Il est vachement idiot' could be translated as 'He is quite stupid'. Whilst on the subject of 'vache', a popular French phrase is 'la vache!' which, as an exclamation, means 'damn!' or 'darn!'. For example - 'tu as perdu!' could puerto rican be greeted with 'la vache!' or 'mince!' or other such expressions of discontent. It can however be used sometimes as an exclamation of surprise or amazement 'la vache! c'est genial ce truc' vah-shuh; vah-shuh-MAWÑ Zinzin n. Colloquial word meaning 'crazy'.