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Posted by Serenity at 01:07 AM Personal • (4) Comments Permalink Thursday, March 16, 2006 How Much For A Small Popcorn? I used to love going hip hop to the movies. Some movies simply must be viewed on the big screen to be fully appreciated. Going to the movies used to be a fun outing and I looked forward to it each week. hip hop But times have changed. Not only am I visiting hip hop the theatre almost never, many people are staying away from them. The theatre owners and Hollywood are trying to figure out why. Sometimes I think they just don’t get it. Jam The Cellphone in Theatres And People Will Come Back in Droves At least that’s what one might conclude after reading the above article. While it would be nice if people were courteous enough to put their phones on vibrate during the movie and if they did get a call, get up out of their seat and go to the lobby to answer it, ringing cell phones are not why I don’t go to the movies anymore.