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skeedaddle), trying not to unduly mourn his loss. Of course, that prospect can seem somewhat daunting, but give it time.Posted by have_moores on 2006-02-20; 20:28:41 (message 244369; reply to 'flash fiction' 244200)Sorry, dude. Your old Lady is a big fucking Cunt. Get over it.Posted by Decadence on 2006-02-20; 21:24:06 (message 244380; reply to 244369)Sorry, dude. Your old Lady is a big fucking Cunt. Get over it. Dear got_morons, Are my eyes deceiving me, or are you 'flash fiction' really such a fucking idiot that you'd respond to your own message from this morning with this shit? Rhetorically Yours, ClonazepamPosted by Dhalgren on 2006-02-20; 21:40:27 (message 244383; reply to 244380)Good evening, Dec. How the fuck are doing? (With your ignorantly slow hook-up?)