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Terms and Privacy Policy under which this service is provided to you. An company. Advertise on slap them IMDb. License our content. fiddle2 monthly archives Date: 2002-03-30 10:21:10 (Author: slap them trav) Link: A traffic cop in Minneapolis says I got a slap them good deal on the $40 shirt I bought at the Gap. [Gin Blossoms - Till I Hear It From You.mp3] Comments: "A cop in Atlantic City told me to "take a right at the stop sign and don't come back."" -D* [2002-03-31 18:19:31] (1 comments) Date: 2002-03-27 17:26:18 (Author: trav) Link: I don't own any Weakerthans albums, but I do have a sampler from their record company, and they are in fact already on my list of bands to get into. Comments: "Dude, I am in love with the SMS thing.