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in exchange for getting their tubes tied. Call them Brit, please... " LaydeeBug: How much if I can tie my tube in a savage knot? I need the cash. 66. Posted by GeorgiaTornado on February 7, 2006 11:45 AM Why didn't K-Tard who is sitting in the passenger seat on the phone putting the baby in the car savage seat? What an idiot!! 67. Posted by THEMOMMALADY on February 7, 2006 11:46 AM Agressive paparzzi - give me a savage break. There's NO REASON to drive with a child in your lap. She's more dangerous to her child then any camera. 68. Posted by spacca on February 7, 2006 11:49 AM I cant believe nobody has mentioned or realised that HillBilly is tit feeding the kid whilst driving...dur! 69. Posted by Lola on February 7, 2006 11:50 AM I’m thinking of two words here: unfit parent. Had this been a young financially disenfranchised non-celebrity single mother driving an ‘86 Chevette instead of an ‘06 Navigator she would be under investigation by child and family services.