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Date: Tue Nov 15 15:20:08 2005 because it's fucking writers pathetic!! lose - the opposite of win, to misplace something, ONE FUCKING O loose - the opposite of tight, your mother/wife/sister, TWO FUCKING O's how can writers so many people writers get these two confused? IDIOTS your - a possessive, similar to mine, his, her as in "your loose slut of a sister loses her mind every time she gets railroaded by your whole inbred, shitbag excuse of a family", NO FUCKING APOSTROPHE you're - a contraction of "you are", as in "you're a dipshit", A FUCKING APOSTROPHE its - another possessive, similar to your, NO FUCKING APOSTROPHE it's - a contraction of "it is", as in 'it's fucking simple', A FUCKING APOSTROPHE Need a trick?