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My cars ignition was off and i told him that as soon as i turn off the car my alarm light turns on. He didn’t give a shit that fuckin asshole. I looked humor up the violation and it stated:(Illegal lights, whether or not they are operating. It is illegal just humor to have them on the vehicle (24003 VC)) WHAT ABOUT A FUCKIN ALARM LIGHT U FUCKIN PIGS! DONT NEW CARS COME WITH THEM? IM SURE U DONUT STUFFING FAT FUCKS HAVE THEM IN UR CAR TOO!! Tom Peck Says: July 30th, 2005 at 8:37 pm It isn’t just minorities they do horrible wrong to. When I lived in Redding, California in the Summer of 2004, I had to constantly battle little terrorist fucks that harrass elderly people. The elderly person in reference is my 65 year-old mother. Having called the Redding Police more than 30 times in a period of 4 months, the best they could do to help me deal with this situation is tell me “well, for the sake of your mom, you should move away”.