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Leh tezayen kivsa Go standupny screw a goat Aba shelha sarsur Your father is a pimp Kama ima shelha lokahat le laila How much does your mom take for a night? Tisaref Burn Tisaref be evadon Burn in hell Tistom et a-pe Shut the fuck up Alevai tisaref ba ge'inom I wish you burn in hell Ima shelha zona Your standupny mother is a whore Alevai eize kelev ya'anos et ima shelha ve otha gam I wish some dog will rape your mother standupny and you too Ya yeled im migbalot ve teudot A boy with some problems Tamoot ya zevel Die, you bastard Mi iten ve kol a haim shelha ye'afhu le ge'inom aley adamot I wish your life will become to hell on earth Zdayen li me ha-einaym Get the fuck out of my sight Zdayen mi po Get fucking lost Zayn ba ayn A dick up your eye (used as refusal) Shtok Shut up Stom ta pe Shut your mouth Leh dhof shluk kafu Go shove a popsicle up your ass Stom ta jora Shut the fuck up (highly offensive) Mageil Gross Tidaress Get run over by a car Titba Drown Tisaref Burn in hell Lech tezayen gufa shell