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Uhhh . grow gallery . . you do realize OP that if the scenario you describe comes to fruition there won't be any places to ride grow gallery out the coming fireball unless you happen to be a close family friend of Dick Cheney. by: Anonymous reply 11 03/08/06 @14:22 No shit. A winner takes all My God Is Better Than Your God all-out war between the Christian freaks and the Muslim freaks. Too bad we can't line up all the clerics from both sides who are fomenting this mess and let them grow gallery kill each other. by: Anonymous reply 12 03/08/06 @14:24 R9 is right on the money. by: Anonymous reply 13 03/08/06 @14:24 Conventional wisdom in Washington is now saying that Bush won't attack Iran, as it would put the last nail in the Iraq coffin, not to mention that there's very little political support for the idea.Also, these are oilmen, and fucking with the Iranian oil supply has far worse consequences than it did in Iraq.