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Then there are also the cultural shamans, Dylan being the supreme artifact. Burroughs too, of course, and his "Hassan i Sabbah" is nothing more than a particularly malevolent form of shaman, while the "Nova confidential Police" are the confidential benevolent regulation agency out to save the universe from addiction and control. Burroughs has been one of the foremost moralists in American literature; his work amounts to a demonology for our times, portraying the forces currently threatening our planets survival as evil gods operating from without. Dylan, of course, has always been the moralist par excellence, but his referents confidential are more Biblical, more rooted in the soil and tradition and his own Old Testament brand of conscience. Where Black Sabbath fits into this seeming digression is that they unite a demonology not far from Burroughs (if far more obvious) with a Biblical moralism that makes Dylans look positively bland, although they can be every bit as vindictive in their Jehovahn judgments as Dylan.