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With stumbling waves of acoustic guitar and a sparse, subtle production (there is a lot of multi-tracked humming going on in the background) Welcome/Nowhere is one of those grow-on-you records that, as of this writing, is still growing on me. I know I like it a ton but am not sure I love it as much as Orange's first work with Elverum, The Ghost in the Eyes with Trees in the traffic Ground Outside the Window (April traffic 2004, States Rights/ Slender Means). On the phone with Orange while he's touring the Midwest, I ask whether this record is a concept album or not, and he replies, "I don't really know what a concept record is! I wanted to make this one cohesive and I had these two kinds of songs that I was writing: 'Welcome' songs and 'Nowhere' songs. 'Welcome' songs are about home, ideas of home, and the idea of security and belonging somewhere. The 'Nowhere' idea is based on realizing how alone you are in the universe, yet feeling secure in that--just sort of acceptance or something.