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The Cindy Sheehan media blitz against GWB is a complete bc blogs example of how bc blogs the left attacks Republicans! Start with "". Its run by David Swanson, who also runs "afterdowningstreet" and "Lets Try Democracy", two far left wing rant pages that do nothing every day but rail against Republicans. THIS VERY BLOG is dedicated to smearing and attacking Republicans, or as you like to call them in your butterfly post, your "fellow Americans". "Cindy Sheehan's straight up. Bush offended her when they first met, reported as such right away despite bc blogs GOP lies about a flip-flop,..." Are you sure you want to speak that quickly? Tell me: why do you think her and her hubby are separated shortly after she jumped on board this anti-Bush movement, stating that her husband agrees with her? "Does the Republican party really think that bringing the heavy lumber against the mother of a deceased combat veteran is going to give them more -- or less -- party points that jumping into Terri Schiavo's deathbed uninvited?"