album, weed, explosive, body count, bill clinton, music, volunteer, media analysis, list of themes, politically incorrect t shirts, rob reiner, pearl jam, buy, pic, andrevan, review, calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix), bc,
I thought drake was ha strong but scratch the surface n everyone's made of porcelain.this place is so fucking claustrophobic n unprivate. u can't have your space cause everyone knows everything, cause drake n i have been sleeping ha on a futon in a room supposed to be the sewing room n then a seedling sprouting room until we pushed the trays to the edges n installed ourselves (not enough bedrooms), but right now i ha don't want to sleep with him, but any change in sleeping arrangements either takes a full-blown meeting of the entire commune n always spins out of control into other personality-driven pseudo-gestalt sessions, or it just happens without a meeting to announce it, without anything being said, n then there's all these raised eyebrows n every fucking person here will be sidling up to me in quiet moments to get the dirtdrake's got a pickup truck n tonight he's sleeping in that, n if rain comes too fucking bad.