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The campaign will be repeated for World Osteoporosis Day 2003. Read moms sex videos full story 27.08.2003 Page Top LIFE WITHOUT OSTEOPOROSIS On December 14, 2002, Association "WOMEN WITHOUT OSTEOPOROSIS" opened its own reception office at the center of Sofia moms sex videos City. For its members and for all needing information, methodical moms sex videos aid and support, an office "Life without osteoporosis" began to work - thanks to the kind hospitality of the First Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment. Under the same name was carried out also a patient's meeting in the big hall of the hospital, where the visitors were acquainted with the damages of osteoporosis on the men through the lecture of Assoc.Prof. Philip Kumanov, endocrinologist, author of the book "Climacteric in men?". The event was organized by support of ORGANON Co.
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