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The Spence Collection numbers over a 19th century fashion, mary quant hundred pairs from the late Elizabethan period to the early Victorian era. The most outstanding examples fall 18th century fashion, travelcommunity crinoline within the period from around 1600 – 1680 and many of these are splendidly embroidered leather gauntlet gloves for museum of costume, ottoline morrell very formal wear. Other types of gloves in this collection include a group of knitted travelcommunity silk ecclesiastical and secular gloves dress, costume from the 17th and 18th centuries, fabric travelcommunity 20th century, yves saint laurent gloves (silk, lawn, 18th century fashion, crinoline muslin and lace) and printed kid leather gloves from the 18th 19th century fashion, mary quant and early 19th centuries. The Dress of the Year is about the cutting edge of fashion design. It is not meant to museum of costume, ottoline morrell represent what every man or woman on the street is already wearing.
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