Bras and Girdles mother sex stories bead fashion accessories

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  Bras and Girdles Fashion History Vogue Reports the First Brassiere 1907 Early Brassières Pre bead fashion accessories 1915 Mary Phelps-Jacobs's Patented Bra 1914 The Symington Side Lacer Latex to Dunlop's Lastex to Elastic Bras after 1930 Warners Introduce Cup Sizing 1935 Utility Bras - 1940s Vogue Reports bead fashion accessories the First Brassiere 1907 Bra history began as far back as Cretan times, but 1907, was the year when the word brassiere was first reported in an American copy of Vogue.  The original French meaning was support, but the word was out of use and the French bead fashion accessories chose to call a bra soutien-gorge. Cretan women wore bras thousands of years ago.  In England bust improvers were available in the Edwardian period. 
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