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Monday, February 27, 2006 Baseball Hall of Fame elects first woman TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Effa Manley became the first woman elected to hot moms fucking sons the baseball Hall of Fame when the hot moms fucking sons former Newark Eagles co-owner was among 17 people from the Negro Leagues hot moms fucking sons and pre-Negro Leagues chosen Monday by a special committee. "This is a historic day at the Hall of Fame," shrine president Dale Petroskey said. "I hoped that someday there would be a woman in the Hall. It's a pretty proud moment." ELISSA ELLIS: More women business leaders should step into the limelight AUSTIN, Texas (CSM) - Why women have not achieved parity with men in the workplace continues to bewitch experts. Yet, insights to the mystery may be readily available in the widely popular Harry Potter series. At Hogwarts Academy, Hermione, Harry Potter's intrepid girl sidekick, is the ueber multitasker with boundless ambition.
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