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Brooke, Simcoe, Canada Belize Anything goes-just keep your top on at the beach. The Europeans tend to go topless but I never shoes catalogues saw a local without her top. In fact, a lot of local women swim in shorts and a t-shirt. Pam, St. Paul, USA I think the other advice given about Belize is only appropriate for the beach resorts on the Cayes. I lived on the mainland for a while and it is definitely important to cover up. Knee length skirts and t-shirts are fine- shoes catalogues anything that reveals too much flesh will get you harrassment from local men.Lizzie, shoes catalogues York, Canada Bolivia Baggy jeans and sweatshirts do not go over very well in Bolivia if you are in the cities. I recommend nice jeans and pants and shoes with heels. Only if you are traveling back pack style or going out to run would I break out the sweats. Otherwise Bolivian women are much dressier. Kelsey, Miami, USA If you're headed to the highlands around La Paz, think layers. You will experience all four seasons in one day.
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