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Oh absolutely! I think that aided when youre so well put together, I mean like so many homes today
and I hate what is done today, like standard equipment
and thats what it is
. everybody has to have the basic big sofa with the two French chairs and the Coromandel screen
its just cookie-cutter. aided M.K.: Well talk about cookie-cutter, and since we are now entrenched in the red carpet season
what do you think of the typical and predictable red carpet aided style? The whole idea that it takes a village to make a star what with the stylist, the long gown showing a lot of boobs, and borrowed diamonds
By the way, did you see the Golden Globes? I.A.: Yes, but there was very little jewelry in that show. I thought the girls looked dreadful
M.K.: Was there anyone that you thought looked good?