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What osteoporosis international is not shown on these covers are the many hours of effort that osteoporosis international go into achieving their flawlessness. In fact, their beauty isn't natural at all! osteoporosis international It's manufactured by an army of makeup and lighting experts, stylists, photo editors, and often surgeons. Go behind the scenes and beauty amounts to highly controlled lighting, perfect positioning, stylists who find the perfectly flattering designer outfit and then stuff, tape and pin it, and make-up--lots of make-up. Once the photos have been shot and developed, they are then digitally enhanced. Blemishes, scars, wrinkles, discolorations are all erased. It doesn't end there. It is also during this process that breasts are lifted and enlarged. Skin is enhanced with a glow, cheeks are blushed, stomach muscles are added and fat is cropped out--anything is possible. And this is the norm. This is done not only on every magazine cover, but every printed page, every billboard or advertisement, even every music video and movie star film close-up (yes, they do all this to film as well).