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has more sizes and longer inseams (up to 37 inches) especially for young women. Thanks to Kimberly and Monica for the suggestion. End of season clearance! public opinion polls Save up to 70% at Alloy.com! Sanctuarie Designs - Clothes for tall BBWs. Recommended by Raqui. Making it Big - yet another store for tall BBWs. Once again thanks to Raqui. Jake and Me public opinion polls - Clothing Company that offers maternity and nursing wear (Thanks to Aukse for the info) Recommended: www.avenue.com - for women's fashion in sizes 14 public opinion polls - 32! G&L Clothing Online - Quote from G&L: "While our focus is primarily on men, we do carry a large selection of women's tennis shoes (from New Balance, Merrill and Columbia) and boots (from makers like Carolina, Wolverine and CAT). As the Midwest's largest retailer of Carhartt workwear we also carry women's sizes in this popular brand and can special order in many other brands of clothing." Luxuriously Tall LL Bean Recommended: Gap - they have got jeans and pants with up to a 36 1/2 inch inseam Pango Pango Swimwear (according to 6'5" Tiffany good for tall sizes) Bigon Batik - More clothes for tall BBWs.