Called false gown because shopping directory travel pictures

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Called false gown because it travel pictures was one piece. FICHU: small black lace scarf knotted around neck. Used manly during French Restoration period. FICHU MENTEUR: in later period of Georgian era, worn in the neck of coats and open dresses; draped to exaggerate the figure and increase bust size. FLOUNCE: band of cloth or lace travel pictures fluting which is attached to garment by its upper edge. FRAC: man's informal garment wider than the coat without outer travel pictures pockets. FROCK: aka REDINGOTE, for men, a heavy, wide, collared coat, worn for riding and traveling. For women, a lighter version of the men's, but used as a gown with open waistcoat and skirt. GIRDLE A LA VICTIME: vivid sash passed over the shoulder, crossed at back and tied as waist. GOWN A LA FRANCAISE: dress with close-fitting bodice, opening in front on a triangular stomacher with two large double pleats falling freely in back.
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