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Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History (HEARTH) - "Core electronic collection of books and journals in Home Economics and related disciplines. Published between 1850 and 1950..." (Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University.) Titles of interest include Wimples and crisping pins: being studies in the coiffure and ornaments of women (1894) by Theodore Child, The Women's Garment Workers: a History of the International Ladies' over 50 pussy Garment Workers' Union (1924) by Lewis Levitzki Lorwin, Women and the Labor Movement (1923) by Alice Henry, The life of Ellen over 50 pussy H. Richards (1912) by Caroline Louisa Hunt and The Business over 50 pussy of Being a Woman by Ida M. Tarbell. Images of Women in Ancient Art: Issues of Interpretation and Identity - Compiled and written by Chris Witcombe, Professor of Art History, Sweet Briar College. With sections on Wild Women: the Amazons and Gorgons. Background material and images are provided for women in Prehistory, Egypt, the Aegean, Palestine, Greece and Barbarian Women.
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