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GIMME A BREAK! I got more nurturing in my little finger than she does in her whole pampered body. I have more widom and skills mother daughter sex movie than she will ever dream of having. My husband enjoys my ordinary rectangular body just fine. My children can't get enough of lovin' from momma this physical being. When are mother daughter sex movie you guys going to appreciate a REAL mother daughter sex movie woman? By: qofdisks on November 21, 2005 at 02:23pmFlag: [abusive] [best of] Quote: "I applaud the fashion industry's refusal to cave in here. The ideal dress size for a woman is 4, 6 tops, and the ideal shape is hourglass. That's just the way it is." Posted by: sah on November 21, 2005 I beg to differ with you SAH. A woman's body was created to reproduce, carry and birth children. We carry our weight differently, and at different times of our lives.
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