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These days, it is only at the traditional Vienna Opera Ball that the moms have sex tailcoat (German: Frack) is still required wear. Women have a wider range of clothing to choose from. Noble beginnings Once upon a time, during the baroque and rococo periods, the ball gown was worn solely at court and, in the moms have sex form of the Grande Parure, with its sweeping overskirt and tightly laced corset, reserved for the highest ceremonial occasions. The nobleman, in his richly embroidered silk moms have sex Frac à la française and white powdered wig, made a no less stiff and unapproachable impression. Only as a result of the French Revolution and its egalitarian aspirations did eveningwear become a matter of fashion for the bourgeoisie, while in the countryside traditional festive costumes remained obligatory for the dance floor. In the 20th century, celebrated American film divas like Jean Harlow and Joan Crawford or, later, Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn, as well as German film stars like Zarah Leander and Ruth Leuwerick provided the stuff of dreams, wearing evening gowns that inspired innumerable copies.
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