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Don’t tempt me, bro. Snark @ 02/27/06 13:38:05 If you watch mixed martial arts contests like like UFC or PRIDE you will writer realize that even 20 pounds is a huge disadvantage Royce Gracie sisyphus @ 02/27/06 13:46:01 they’re not even writer that close to martial writer arts #5Toad I wouldn’t expect that comment from you, Toad. West, East, North, South – whatever area you come from that develops a fighting style is certainly a martial art. UFC is like the globalization of martial arts. Cultures meet head on in the UFC and force people to adapt(which might I add is an extremely important part of kung fu philosophy). Just look at the progression of the UFC. #1 was mostly karate, brawlers, and one Gracie. Once Gracie mopped the floor with everyone people started realizing that grappling was an awesome art. Then people started getting knocked out by some hard hitters. This forced yet another change. And so on and so forth… UFC fighters are specific types.
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