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It made sense.  These are things I don't forget.  But fuck, did you have to French kiss the first guy you dated right in front of me? santo domingo (Repeat Bridge and Chorus) Second Chorus: BAY-ba santo domingo AHM GONna KEE-EEP-onnn LUVin YEWWW, CUZits THEE OWNLa THING ah WONNa DEWWWW, AH santo domingo DOE WONNa SLEEP, AH JUS WONNa KEEP-on LUVin YEWWWWWW. Interpretation: So, in summary, to repeat, in order to make very clear, a few points: First, I meant every word I said. I'm going to keep on loving you, Charlotte, for the rest of my life. Second, I'm now officially old and alone, with nothing but these strands of memories hanging in the air, unable to connect to the torn strands from which they originally belonged; but, like the fading notes of a guitar solo, trailing a bit too long because the bushy-haired guitarist is more self-centered and immature than he realizes (and not quite as talented as he thinks), I'm lingering.
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