75. Posted by Dee mature ladies having sex legends of rock

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75. Posted by Dee on February 7, 2006 12:31 PM Celebrities should not get a free pass for their bad behavior. I surprised he's not strapped to the roof. legends of rock Letting a child ride in a car without being in a prper seat (especially up front like that) is legends of rock so dangerous she should be ashamed of herself and should be reported to CPS STAT. And her excuse-LAME. 76. Posted by QuiteFrog on February 7, 2006 12:35 PM legends of rock Oh My Freaking God, talk about as dumb as a post....One can only hope to be seeing her mug shot soon, but then again she is a celebrity I guess the cops and social services takes into account that they have no brains for common sense. If it were joe average the cops would have swooped down from nowhere and hauled your butt to jail and your kid would have been put int the system....DISGUSTING!! 77. Posted by baconboy on February 7, 2006 12:43 PM Oh come on people, there is really a very simple explanation for this...Federline
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