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If you love movies and haven't seen this movie... see it. This is a great movie, telling of Henry Hill's 30 years in organized crime. I get teared-up mature movie porn thinking about how amazing some of the scenes in this film are: Joe Pesci asks if Ray Liotta thinks he's funny, Ray drives around in a drug haze, Ray and his girlfriend walk through the kitchen at a nightclub, Ray pistol whips his girlfriend's date who mature movie porn was "all hands," Ray shows off his new TV, Ray's wife tries to break down the door of his girlfriend's house, Robert DeNiro receives mature movie porn upsetting news on a payphone. However, a great movie like this deserves at least a better DVD. I am hoping that Warner Bros. will release another version with an anamorphic transfer and - oh yeah - the movie all on one side of the disc. However, the movie is so good, it overcomes the DVD's shortcomings.