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Society of Film Critics Awards, USA: NSFC Award for Best Film, Best Director›  See more Awards NominationsAcademy Awards, USA: Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium, Best Film Editing, Best Director, Best PictureAmerican Cinema Editors, USA: Eddie for Best Edited Feature FilmBAFTA Awards: BAFTA Film nude mature movies Award for Best Cinematography, Best ActorBritish Society of Cinematographers: Best Cinematography AwardCésar nude mature movies Awards, France: César for Best Foreign Film (Meilleur film étranger)Directors Guild of America, USA: DGA Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in nude mature movies Motion PicturesEdgar Allan Poe Awards: Edgar for Best Motion PictureGolden Globes, USA: Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Drama, Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture, Best Screenplay - Motion Picture, Best Director - Motion PictureNational Film Preservation Board, USA: National Film RegistryWriters Guild of America, USA: WGA Award (Screen) for Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium› 
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