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Google searching. Oddly enough, EB is offensive on top when you search for any variation of "Stuyvesant Parker," "Brad Root," but not "Alfred Turner." I guess offensive I say my name enough. Odd thing is, I feel saddened by the fact that Zike missed out on the hay-day of blogging. OK, the hay-day of crappy pathetic teenagers whining about how much they have to say and never get heard. Sure, I was at the top of that crowd, and had a buttload of people visiting, but offensive it was never enough. Self-centered blogging is an accidental medium that fell upon all of us in a strange manner. We were bloggers that broke the definition of the word, "blog." To us, our blogs were simply mediums to bitch and talk about ourselves. I only linked to outside sites to either call them stupid, or to use in reference to a friend I talked to online. The problem with blogging these days, is the fact that while everyone loved reading our rants and our whining, they never said anything.