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This really surprises me, because I figured sexy mature sluts any sexy mature sluts daughter of Courtney's would either be sold into prostitution or so strung out on drugs that she'd look like a cross between Keith Richards and Sloth. Only with boobs. sexy mature sluts And then I'd call her Sloobs. Comments (34) | Linking Sites | Permalink Previous Entries » Scarlett Johansson gets her breasts squeezed » I Watch Stuff! live blogs The Golden Globes » The Superficial Quickies » Britney Spears shops without her wedding ring » Janet Jackson is...uhm...well... Comments 1. Posted by SuperSpence on January 17, 2006 09:58 AM Wait, Courtney Love's kid is still alive? I thought got high/drunk and ate her daughter last September. Didn't that happen or did I just assume it would happen for so many years that I imagined it? No, that couldn't be it. The girl has to be over ten by now and I'm sure Courtney couldn't go a whole decade without killing and eating her daughter in the middle of a coke-and-Jim Beam-fueled bender.