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The demand that God act like your servant would not be a scientific fair test of the hypothesis that there is a God who is your King. And canon you also should be honest with canon yourself by asking, "Would I submit to Jesus if it were indeed proven to me that it is all true?" There are several motives why a large part of humanity has rejected Jesus as their Savior. Read these and see if any fit you... One motive people do not become Christians is because of hypocrites. But just canon because the church contains hypocrites does not mean that all Christians are hypocrites. The failures of the believers do not invalidate the truth. Jesus Christ had very harsh words for people who were committing the sin of hypocrisy, especially the religious leaders of his day (Mt. 23:15). People can and do enter the ministry for the wrong reasons, or they can compromise the convictions of the faith. The fact that people have persecuted under the pretext of following Jesus only goes to show that those who said they were Christians did not possess the peace of God and that they were not followers of Jesus' teachings.