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I'm gentile. Jeff Greene: All of the women at HBO, they don't want to work with you. Larry David: Oh, come on. That's ridiculous. older woman having sex Jeff Greene: They think you're a misogynist. Larry David: Why, 'cause I called older woman having sex the guy a cunt? So what! Jeff Greene: 'Cause you called the guy a cunt. Larry David: Big deal, I call men pricks all the time, men want to work with me. Jeff Greene: Well, cunt's worse. Larry David: Cunt's not worse. Pricks and cunts, they're equal. Pricks, cunts, come on. They balance out. Jeff Greene: No, cunt is worse. Cunt's older woman having sex much heavier. Larry David: Why? Why is cunt heavier? Jeff Greene: I never questioned, it just is. Larry David: That's sexist to me! Come on. Larry David: [considering whether he should give one of his kidneys to Richard Lewis] I gotta choose healthier friends...
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